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Some time ago, we lost a total station two days after it was released, after paying even an English-style private detective, we ended up deciding to pay property insurance for all surveying equipment that exceeded $ 1,000. I also have a friend who lost whatever amount of Magellan GPS equipment he was distributing by the time Hurricane Mitch hit Central America, he literally lost the coordinates to his mind.
It will sound aloof to some, but talking about asset insurance is not an issue outside of the technology market, especially since the tools and equipment are as valuable as the life of the company.
But why do I think it's worth investing in team safety?
1. The life of the geomatic world is data
There are costs that have no comparison, like being a server that is worth $ 4,000, with programs installed that can reach $ 15,000 but with data that exceeds $ 300,000.
To believe that an antivirus, energy backup, fire wall and backup system are sufficient can be a limited optic in the face of the possibility of a robbery that can often be from the inside and not by a thief with a black trench coat and shirt .
2. Prevention is a healthy measure
The position that could not happen to me ends when it happens to a close friend or family member. Be it an illness, accident, theft or natural phenomenon, lamenting afterwards is an ineffective measure. But also having staff implies thinking about the costs that can have to keep them healthy and protected at all times, it does not matter that we have a certified security code.
3. Nowadays the offer of security services is varied
If we look at the case of a company dedicated to providing security services, we realize that it is not necessary to pay complex insurance in which the soul is sold to the unknown. In addition to this, most of the large insurance companies have local coverage through representatives or reinsurers.
EZ Insurance is an example, that apart from working totally online, adding the postal address and the type of insurance, a personalized quote can be obtained directly or through local reinsurers. This is a portal that allows you to find the best alternatives for a general or specific insurance need.
The insurance they offer can be:
Property Insurance. With this it is possible to insure both a house, an office, a building or a particular equipment; be against theft, damage or damage to third parties.
Car Insurance. This is the most used insurance, because sooner or later we have accidents that end up costing a lot more than what we pay for the car ... and it is usually inevitable before a crafty driver.
Life insurance. This is in case of not contributing to state or college insurance, and not wanting to live the last days in a nursing home.
Health insurance. This is often used for health, and often cover hospital expenses, medicines and emergencies.
In summary, the interesting services like EZ Insurance,
- the option to search for a quote by Postal Code
- functionality online insurance, it is not necessary to move from the office and manage any process, from the quote to the management of coverage ... all online.
If you do not think insurance is too useful, I can tell you the other part of the story, that of the detective
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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