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The winners of the Be Inspired 2009
- October, 2009
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: innovations Microstation-Bentley My geofumadas

This is the first version in the Be Inspired format, of what was previously the Bentley Empowered (BE Awards). It has moved from thematic axes to best practices, concentrating more on relevance than the process itself. Bentley has already released the formal list of winners, I will dedicate nothing more in the chronicle.
The ceremony took place at the Westin Charlotte, with less concurrent than other years after change of formate and the economic crisis. But it was no less lucid for this reason, although a change in the level of etiquette is noticeable. Let us remember that before it was called gala, and the presenters wore bowties; now it has been more casual and the engineers feel better.
The award
The animation was very well in charge of Chris Barron, initiated singing a parody called Bentley Infraestructures Inspired, very good; accompanied by a graceful PowerPoint that summarizes the innovative history of man in the creation of infrastructures, always in the topics nominated.
There were different intermediates, including the Mayor of Charlotte and executives from Bentley, relating to sustainability of the professions, Society, Environment and innovation; for which some recognitions were delivered. Just before giving the first prize, Chris told himself a joke about the difference between Baseball and Soccer, to drape it In the ingratitude that many technicians work for a project, working overtime, sleepless nights and headaches so that their executive takes the applause with a prize that costs $ 300. In the background, the manufacturing process of the new award was presented, from its basic 3D design, twist, bite, refinement, output on a 3D printer, to the crushing process in the metallurgy workshop.
Finally it closed with the importance that a software can give to the business model in which many win, the prize of half profile was shown, assimilating an 8 and they appeared, always of smoked glass in green, a letter V and an i with a slogan: It would not have been possible without V8i.
Although the members of the media had a reserved area, I was sitting at the table with the guys from Cáceres City Council who came to the finalists, were accompanied by an account executive from Bentley Spain and at the same table two legends from Microstation: one of them the promoter of The Microstation Comunity (TMC) now opaque with the 2.0 Web retouch of the Be Comunities.
I congratulated the boys of Cáceres, I would have wanted to celebrate with them like that time, but in subject of cadastre, for the jury the project of Honduras (Awarded in 2004 and 2005) and of El Salvador, already nominated twice are point of comparison that opaque almost any effort and to overcome it it will be necessary to prove it with Bentley Hotels, Geospatial Server and Project Wise geofumado in I-model.
Finished the award animated live a group in the style Yankeeland, while the rest dedicated themselves to turning to the succulent sandwiches and the best that the winery produces. I had some time to speak with Alfredo Castejón, from Mexico and one of the executives I interviewed last year. They wished me luck with crisis passing Honduras and with the roulette of the following day in the eliminatory of the world-wide one where they are involved El Salvador, Costa Rica and the United States.
Then I went to rest, it sounded that Micheletti and Zelaya agreed to put Reinaldo Rueda as interim president and I woke up with the nightmare that they were giving him as a consolation prize. After a while I understood that it was a good sign that Honduras would qualify for the World Cup and that finally this madness would come to an end very soon.
The winners
a large majority stay in the United States, where Bentley has a strong position at the level of Engineering and Plants, outside Brazil, Spain, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Madagascar and India won awards. This is the list of awards given:
- Bridges
WSP Finland Ltd - Ngyuen Van Troi-Tran Thi Ly Bridge (Vietnam) - Buildings
NBBJ - Miami Valley Hospital (United States) - Cadastre and territorial development
KASL Consulting Engineers - Metro Fire Station No. 29 (United States) - Campus, airports and military facilities
CH2M HILL - Phase 1: O'Hare Modernization Program (United States) - Communication & Networking
Precision Contracting Services, Inc. - City of Port St. Lucie Fiber Optic Network Design (United States) - Mining & Metals
Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd - QMM Ilmenite Project (Madagascar) - Oil and gas
Cianbro Constructors - Motiva Crude Expansion Project (United States) - Energy generation
Energoprojekt Gliwice, SA - Solar Power Station PS20 (Spain) - Transit and railways
Parsons Brinckerhoff - Central Phoenix / East Valley Light Rail System (United States) - Carreteras
Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP - Route 85 Slingerlands Bypass Extension (United States) - Utilities
Huntsville Utilities - An Integrated Implementation of ProjectWise, Bentley Expert Designer, and SAP (United States) - Hydrosanitary systems and treatment plants
CDM - Casa Grande Water Recovery and Reuse Project (United States) - Hydraulic, water and rainwater networks
Government of Maharashtra, Water Supply and Sanitation Department - Crisis Management of Water Supply in Developing Countries (India) - Communication through visualization
Mott MacDonald Ltd - The Model Railway (United States) - Connecting work teams
Engevix Engenharia SA - Hydropower
Plant Coconut Trees (United States) - Generative design
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios LLP - Worcester Library and History Center (United States) - Structural engineering
Edge Structures Ltd - Wimbledon Center Court Redevelopment and Retractable Roof (United Kingdom)
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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Thanks Juan, that expects a lot of people.
Hello G! I hope you will enjoy the Be Inspired awards presentation event.
See if the situation ends up improving and Michelettis and Zelayas are understood for the good of the people.
I wish he had fulfilled the dream of the interim president and thus we would have removed this pressure for the crisis that every day becomes more difficult,
as he described it was wonderful on his tour in the United States.