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Google Earth technical competition emerges

"In this way, the user will be able to choose the origin and the characteristics of the images that he receives on his screen, both current and past, including old aerial photographs made with airplanes or even classic hand-drawn maps."

This is one of the phrases that e-globe proposes in a report of the country, The proposal seeks to make a competition to Google under a strategy more scientific than commercial; Is supported by 25 companies from Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, UK, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovenia, also geographical institutes.


It would be ideal if this were to be carried out, and could have metadata that would provide technical references regarding the information being published; This has been a highly criticized aspect to Google Earth, because the data is "as is", which is not a sin, but when it comes to geospatial data, the source reference, initial projection, precision and relevance are valuable.

We'll see what happens.

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