With what it has cost us to remove the drawing table from the office ... Will the designers have to return to that position?
The issue has been discussed at a general level, and they are still right. I'm sure we're about to see desktop PCs as the printed post office; only for special shipments. PC Magazine this month dumps heavy equipment techno-smoked on the subject, although its main line focuses on ways to 45 twit In each sneeze.
A pity, let it be the farewell of other more, Carlos Mendoza. If I had known, I send him a message for a toast in honor of any Lennon song, in any corner of the plinth during my chance with the bicentennial.
But in the world of graphics this will not necessarily be the case. To believe that the conventional PC will die is concerned with separating between information consumption and production. Or as the fallen friend of the Canaries would say, raise the flag to the bishops or be in the middle of the infantry.
PC dies for information consumers
It is now possible to access data from different devices, it is a waste even to do it from an awkward -But correct- position in the studio, until hung from the hammock With the Wii while the children are distracted on TV. Whether for entertainment, to help the babysitter with her Social Studies homework, to check email or blog stats; one finger is enough.
And in our CAD / GIS environment, consumption requires no more than an Acer Aspire to open, print, send to the barrel (Datashow), Consult the Redlinear using Bentley Map or gvSIG. In the field, a Mobile Mapper 6 can deploy CartoPad and with this one, edit and then go back to the cabinet. Just like TV, nobody takes a license or special program, just a device to watch it, with the variant of interacting.
Yes. Consuming data does not occupy A GPU, because almost all the science of this task is in the data (produced) and in the light interaction with it. Be these shapefiles, topologies within a spatial base or imaginary Virtual stables.
Do not die for producers
But a user working in video editing, CAD drawing, or GIS programming will definitely not be able to let go of their conventional position in front of a monitor, which has only been made flatter, wider and less harmful to the eyes. Not because of the data, but because of the processes that is where your business is, and for this comfort is not concerned.
It is likely that the graphic designer does feel comfortable with a pencil in his hand, old fashioned on a screen Wacom. But I doubt that we can ever tilt a draftsman over a table again, which cost him to get out of there and convince him to throw away the parallel ruler and rotating eraser.
I do think that the local storage and interaction devices will change, like the hard disk and the obsolete mouse that is a literal 20-year-old dinosaur with its two buttons in front; he barely exchanged his ball between her legs for a bright light coming from her cervix. Those toys that make 3D maneuvers will be able to advance further, as well as the flat screen that will be able to do photogrammetry in real time with what until now we call 3D models, but which are still 2D representations. And with transactionality, the time component will add so that we operate in 4 dimensions, as in the real world.
But since running a line export gdi with the fossil Geographics Even a clean routine with Pyton, they will need a team that is capable of making us feel confident that we are producing new content. Like TV, consumption will be light, but production will remain a conventional art. The processes, not the data. So a cartography office for a long time will continue to have a boss who navigates with a light device, with a holographic keyboard and a monitor hanging on his retina; to monitor processes on your busy days and keep your podcast up to date on lazy ones.
But in the cubicles, there will always be five guys in marsupial position operating a PC to make lines from laser scanning in real time.
And to follow Carlos, we will have to wait for him to be placed back in a fetal position. Yes!
Completely agree with you. It is true that it is becoming easier to access social networks, instant messages, photos, etc. However, and in my case, I don't change the "comfort" and "tranquility" that working with a WorkStation gives me, although now we aim to have the GIS in the field with a Tablet PC and stuff.
But as I edit and manipulate, a PDA, a Mobile Phone or a laptop does not exceed my worstation. And this, despite his age (5 2 years again and the other), even I entrust my most complex tasks.
A hug and a pleasure to read to you again.