GPS / EquipmentMicrostation-Bentley

Microstation: Import Excel Coordinates and Annotations

The case: I have data raised with Promark 100 GPS, and by using the GNSS postprocessing application that these computers have, I can send the information to Excel.

The columns marked in yellow are the east, north and their respective annotations; The rest is only information related to the post process.

The problem: I require that users with their versions of Microstation that have the data import.

Excel coordinates microstation

Slimy ways of doing it

If you import the coordinates with Microstation with the Command made for this, only the points come, not the labels. By the long way, a user was importing them from CivilCAD which does it wonderfully, then from Microstation it was opened and it was converted to dgn which is the format where they work every fucking day. So… Although I almost wentI appreciate that you have asked me for a suggestion how to do it; although deep down I think they do it to prove that the commands do not rust. It is just the procedure that I explained before With AutoCAD.

How to concatenate coordinates with Excel

Doing a vba would be ideal, but as a custom of what one day we concluded: Excel should be more productive than to do spreadsheet, here the procedure combining Microstation commands (key in) with Excel commands (concatenate)

Creating a point with Microstation is done with the “place point” command, and if you want to place it at a specific coordinate, use “xy=”, always using the command separator that is the semicolon (;). So, by entering the command place point; xy = 388218.835,1566315.816 You should draw a point right in that coordinate.

In the case of Excel, the concatenate command works like this: concatenate command, open parentheses, then indicate everything to be concatenated, and finally close parentheses. I explain it in a plaintive way, but it is not complicated when it is understood and done at least once:

Concatenate command = CONCATENATE We open parentheses ( then the commando command is a text, with its semicolon that separates the command “place point;” then the comma to separate the next string , then the command in quotes as it is text “xy=” the comma to indicate new string , and here we select the respective cell  C3 then the comma to indicate new string , and the comma in quotes for separation of coordinates "," the comma to indicate the next string , cell containing the north coordinate and the final semicolon D3,“;” then we close parentheses )

It would look like this:

=CONCATENATE(“Place point ;""Xy ="C3","D3";")

Once this is done, just copy the formula to the following columns, as follows:

Place point; xy = 388218.835,1566315.816;
Place point; xy = 388219.911,1566320.28;
Place point; xy = 388216.28,1566320.868;
Place point; xy = 388215.36,1566316.473;
Place point; xy = 388211.706,1566317.245;
Place point; xy = 388212.713,1566321.593;


How to send it to Microstation

This text can be copied and pasted directly to the command line (utilities key in) and see that the points are drawn.

Excel coordinates microstation

But I can also copy it into a txt or csv file that I can call as a script.

For example, the file is called Glowpoints.txt, and it is stored in C; so to call it you write the key in  @c: \ glowpoints.txt. The name should not have spaces, and it is preferable to put it in an easy path.

Importing annotations

It works in the same way, with the difference that the command is not point but text icon:  Place text icon

Concatenamos of equal form, command place text icon, cell that contains annotation, coordinates where the text will be placed:

=CONCATENATE(“place text icon ;”,B3,”;”,”xy=”,C3,”,”,D3,”;”)

And then we should stay that way.

Place text icon; 10; xy = 388218.835,1566315.816;
Place text icon; 11; xy = 388219.911,1566320.28;
Place text icon; 12; xy = 388216.28,1566320.868;
Place text icon; 13; xy = 388215.36,1566316.473;
Place text icon; 14; xy = 388211.706,1566317.245;
Place text icon; 15; xy = 388212.713,1566321.593;

And there they have it:

Excel coordinates microstation

To generate the traverse, the same would be done, but with the command place line, with the caution that the points must have sequence; which is not this case. It would be command place line, start coordinate, destination coordinate ...

Sure there are other ways to do it, and open source programs that do it wonderfully. But exercise is useful to streamline my mind and in my case, prevent my commands from rusting.

Golgi Alvarez

Writer, researcher, specialist in Land Management Models. He has participated in the conceptualization and implementation of models such as: National Property Administration System SINAP in Honduras, Management Model of Joint Municipalities in Honduras, Integrated Cadastre-Registry Management Model in Nicaragua, Territory Administration System SAT in Colombia . Editor of the Geofumadas knowledge blog since 2007 and creator of the AulaGEO Academy that includes more than 100 courses on GIS - CAD - BIM - Digital Twins topics.

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  1. I do not have the program at hand, but you would have to place the complete command, such as PLACE CIRCLE RADIUS.


  2. Hello friend, excellent information, I have managed to refresh and even better solve situations that I thought could not be done in microstation, I have a question that is related to the topic discussed above by you, how do I import a circle instead of a point as a well reference ? I carried out all the steps mentioned above using as a parameter: =CONCATENAR (“place circle;…..) and then taken to .txt and later taken to key in as @d:\circulo.txt, but I have not been able to graph them, could you help me in this regard?


  3. Hello, good morning, I would like to know if you have a tutorial or note on how to do a post-processing for a promark 200 gps in the GNSS solutions program? I've been trying for days but I haven't been able to because the gps throws me .csv files ... I wait for your answer, thank you.

  4. Good, well, I tell you that the victors did not come to the workshop and when I arrived I wanted to impress them with their help, and rather they had adapted other things, and I got scared asking them immediately how they had done ... hehe says Victor, we looked for her in geofumadas ... It is good that he always supports us because he has always been my master in this, also I did not do it by test I did it because I saw that they could understand little or nothing with the return that had to be done with civilcad but really everyone in the workshop was impressed ...

    These help us generate more amplitude in the thousands of trick that can be done with the PC, but a guide is always necessary to be able to learn them ..

    On the part of the technicians THANKS, because my only I have to say guaoooo is a cheese.

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