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Microsoft Launches TrueSpace
- July, 2008
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Google earth / maps Virtual Earth

I expect a good apology for the curse that might be offensive in some countries, but Shit is the waste that Microsoft is doing with a powerful tool that it acquired 5 months ago To Caligari.
And why does Microsoft seem to be Shit walks in TrueSpace?
Well, because it suggests a simple intention to compete against the Sketchup! from Google, who is called "sketchi", so from a very robust tool in animation for games, architecture and object modeling, it hopes to waste it so that the mara upload 3D models to Virtual Earth ... oh! with high definition.
There will be those who believe that it is only the beginning and that Microsoft plans to do more with TrueSpace ... yes sir, we do not deny it but do you plan to compete against AutoDesk?
Surely not, your quarrel is about doing something that enhances the appeal of Virtual Earth. Some will be happy (not those who had bought the software) and while others suggest that the variety to choose is good; Many do not know what to expect.
Ah, the functionalities to design 3D games are going to be implemented in a Microsoft Second Life. Now when you are in Windows Vista and you have to download an automatic update, one of those that takes two hours, the yellow dog may suggest you. Do you want to enter your second life to see if your virtual money has not been stolen or make sure that your avatar is registered definition is not in prison?
Some time ago, Microsoft acquired Multimap, Some say to give makeup to MapPoint, equivalent to buying a new Toyota to get parts to a Chevrolet.
With this TrueSpace only reminds me when Microsoft bought FoxPro just to put the logo and kill it in order to offer us the Super Access.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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