I believe that maps for electoral purposes will become popular, although those who least understand them are politicians. Just now that the campaign in the United States is getting hot, the ESRI development team has posted an example developed with the ArcGIS SDK with JavaSrcipt flavor, a bit to brag and also to tease us with what to do ...
... although we have the doubt if the capacity of the processors of your server will influence the speed of that deployment or has to do with the development. They insure Have taken this API to extreme simplicity to cause those who use it to benefit without wetting their feet.
Well, use for election purposes is a good way to potentialize cartographic culture online, as long as those who make political decisions do not go in the style of the Mar del Plata who now have legal problems for having put Google Earth into their real estate legislation ... or the governor who offering disaster simulations using the Google Earth DTM database.