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Let's get back to talent


Let us return to the talent, kill the genius and revive the man who rubbed the lamp, because it is better to believe in the one who had the simple initiative than in the result of three desires that cost us nothing.

This was the subject of one of the lectures that I attended in recent days. The approach was technological-oriented, but its essence and the flavor it left me and the time I had to ruminate on it on my days off is invaluable. An encounter with a Muslim in a London mosque and experience with the history of the Parachicos Of Chiapa de Corzo has given me time to think a lot about the subject.

It has already been philosophized enough on the subject of genius and talent, for this is convenient if you have not read pause chewing the taste of the book The Mediocre Man. This, to identify the difference between who makes innovations because it is in their nature and who, after seeing what exists, reinvents new ways to make them more sustainable.

Don row

Last week we have taken important steps on the viability of a sustainability model for the municipal and joint cadastre. Go that is necessary, in an area in which things already -mostly- they are given, but in which millions are invested every four, six or ten years in a vicious circle of thinking that the cadastre must always be done again. The exercise of the last four years has taken me through an interesting process of recycling what already exists and experimenting with new talents of boys (and girls) who aspire to make a career in this area. About what I wanted this year I wrote exactly ago eleven months, And the nature of the human has made some people remain on the way, to rethink expectations, to give one last chance and to include others that we consider out of context.

Talent cadastre But every day I am convinced that our constant skating on the issue of land registry consists of the sectarian positions of always wanting to do the same thing or the extreme of trying to do totally different things. The talent is in the human being, including sustainability, we do not occupy bringing extraterrestrials for things that are already known to work and fail if they do not think about their tomorrow. In the end, I am hopeful that combining old sheet metal instructors, with their stubbornness and some stubbornness will have an impact on young people who need to learn their gifts such as discipline, tact and experience. Also the satisfaction of seeing that the energy of young people who teach the elderly -almost- the arts of digital mapping, the Internet and the conviction that consulting habits can be acquired in a short time.


Talent cadastre In a technological world, where wit is evident every second, I think -and everyone- We are sure that it is necessary to stop to check if genius is really killing talent. I love what I have seen my friends do on an iPad that I questioned four months ago, my hands itch for coding it. I despair of not being able to be more involved in the Open Source environment, whose impact we will be seeing in the next 15 years and that will change our way of seeing IT business. But I am also concerned that, aware of having a fruitful time of genius in the industrial, computing, geospatial, and communications environment, we will be powerless to influence questions such as:

- If we know that the fossil fuel is ending our planet, why the poems of the powers do not focus to reverse its use? Why the United States does not dare to participate actively in the Kyoto initiative?

- If we know that the planet has the days counted, why the great instances of world-wide consensus that we have created are incapable to act? Why is a person capable of provoking a war and then blames us all for not being able to finish it?

-Because economic interests have drowned the genius of ideas that would give 200 this world years more?

"Why can not anyone do anything with an idiot who does what he wants in that forgotten country of God?" How do we take him there believing the idyll that would end the corruption?

The talent, whose etymological root comes from that coin in the Jewish context and which was eternalized in the parable of Matthew 25, does not necessarily require the reinvention of the world in Ubuntu format. Rather in the reengineering of already existing things; definitely what we occupy is to find a better way to take advantage of what we already have and to check if many things that we accept as useful are having an impact.

As a brief example; I live in a country -That looks like a lot- where every five blocks there is an evangelical church, where 25% of its population profess Protestant faith, which together with the Catholic Church and other Christian faith religions exceed 90%. Which means that almost 100% admit to believing in principles that are correct and where it is believed that an atheist can contribute little to our moral values.

But in this same country, its impact on society is zero, if not negative. This, because while the statistics of religious confessions show that they have experienced high growth in recent decades, the country continues to fall to the last levels of poverty, corruption, drug trafficking, insecurity and other terms of underdevelopment. I am aware that it is not the same to confess a religion than to live based on those principles. But we also all understand that it is necessary to return to human talent, to see if it really makes sense to continue making the cake in the same way and with such sectarian thoughts. If the two million people who are applauding in a church one Sunday morning joined their efforts to openly review the impact they are having, they would surely draw firm conclusions; not to change its principles but to renew strategies.

It is so damaging to blame the devil and not act, as to ignore that something bigger than we exist out there -And in here-. Sure there is a need to dig (in here) and check if we are producing talent to its full potential (out there). There must be a way to get rid of this trash of politicians who decide for all of us how to steal our money.


Talent cadastre It is necessary to return to the human person as such, forget so many terms that we have given to what we do and base our sustainability on imperfect humans. Let's go back to the talent, let's kill the genius and revive the man who rubbed the lamp, because it is better to believe in the one who had the simple initiative than in the result of three wishes that cost us nothing.

While that happens, I want to take advantage of this anonymity to thank 3 technicians without whose will and ability it would not have been possible to revive the ingenuity of 9 boys and 5 girls who will be grateful for a lifetime. With this little seed, in 10 years, four of them (Or they) will dedicate themselves to caring for their babies, the rest will be reaping achievements that we do not even aspire to. Each at 7 PM on a Friday in Coffee with donuts He will laugh at the punishments of Don F! With its cadastral closure until midnight, of the W! When I do not Stop ball, Of the threats of gift M! And who knows, perhaps from this poem by Don G!


  • Monex December, 2010 at

    I could talk more and make this post longer and tonic but leave more ideas for subsequent posts since the amount of money we give to Per is higher than the one we receive for example which requires an explanation economically that no one has ever seriously asked for Then the arbitrary and dubious form with which the Per is measuring its poverty. It is measured equally in all regions since I ask that the Arequipa region make its own measurements given the irregularities and make-up of figures that seems to be provided by the government-run INEI central. And we know what is not measured well can not be overcome and we need clean figures to know which policy works and which does not.

  • Mayra November, 2010 at

    I would like to have a teacher like you.

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