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Geographica's GIS Pills
- August, 2011
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: ArcGIS-ESRI Teaching CAD / GIS GvSIG Qgis

Friends of Geographica We have talked about some of the innovations they are including in their training processes, so we take the opportunity to promote their initiatives.
Geographica is a company dedicated to several branches of the geomático spectrum, that has developed works with strategic clients that will guarantee the results.
Apart from the letter G in green tone, I identify a lot with Geographica for its orientation towards open source, both its developments and training have preference in the use of OpenSource programs such as Geoserver, gvSIG, PostGIS, SEXTANTE, Kosmo, Degree, to name Some. Hence, their preference for the Java environment is marked, although they have a multidisciplinary team accustomed to also betting on the C ++ line as well as proprietary software and taking advantage of the business fabric that OSGeo implies.
By this date, apart from the courses that we already knew, they are including customized versions of GIS courses on the topics of Land Management and Geomarketing. These modules are being called Pills, doing -I suppose and because it is in its principles- Reference to the practice of artisanal medicine of the traditional pharmaceutical, before the packed tablets arrived, in which a mortar of just what was required was worked and that insurance after experience and knowledge ended up being an infallible solution.
The methodology seems very good to me, because they use the Use Case as a technique, ideal for short specialized courses where getting complicated in theoretical aspects would be a waste, time that people require to open their mind to the possibilities and understanding of what the software can do. ArcGIS is used for both courses with a duration of 10 blended hours.
Pill: Application of GIS to territorial planning
This is a course aimed at all professionals, students or companies who want to know the potential of GIS for land use planning. Although it is not mandatory to have knowledge of GIS, those who understand the subject or at least know how to use a program (which is not the same) get much more out of it.
1. Introduction to GIS
- Introduction to GIS
- Duality of information in GIS
- Structure of the data
- Analysis possibilities
2. Case study 1: Analysis of an execution unit
- Identification and delimitation of the work area
- Representation of the elements to perform a visual analysis
- Parcelation
- Assignment of alphanumeric attributes
- Analysis of the optimal location of the furniture
3. Case study 2: Multivariate analysis: Optimum location of an industrial zone (online)
- Vegetation cover
- Visibility layer
- Air dispersion layer
- Calculation of the optimal zone to locate an industrial zone
- Result of multivariate analysis
Pill: Application of GIS to Geomarketing
1. Introduction to GIS
- Introduction to GIS
- Duality of information in GIS
- Structure of the data
- Analysis possibilities
2. Case study 1: Ideal location of a pharmacy
- Analysis of the possible target market: Seniors and young couples
- Identification and delimitation of the work area
- Location of the competition and generation of an area of influence of 250 meters
- Visual analysis of both results: Final location of our business based on our target market and location of our competition
3. Case Study 2: Provincial Advertising Campaign for a Party
Political (online)
- Multivariate analysis: Age range, academic level and professional activity
- Union of information
- Weighting of variables
- Final result: Political trends of each municipality based on defined criteria
- Campaign strategy: Dedication of resources depending on the profile of the citizens
While these are fast courses, there is also the 40 called hours GIS and Geographic Databases And it is not bad to have a look at the full course of 150 called hours Expert in Geographic Information Systems and Geographic Databases, Which has a link with the Chamber of Commerce of Seville and can even be subsidized through Social Security.
This is the theme of this course:
4 IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPLOITATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL DATA WITH ADVANCED ARCGIS -SQL for the exploitation of the data 5 PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION: MAPSERVER -Possibility of publication of the information. 6. POSTGRESQL AND POSTGIS - PostgreSQL and PostGIS architecture. |
For more information, I suggest contacting Geographica.
* (+ 34) 954 437 818
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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I'm sorry, you should be connected to post a comment.
First of all a pleasure to read you again. I regret the disappearance for so long.
Regarding Geographica, I must say that I "like" its way of working, innovating many times in a way that hooks users to work in the background of things.
I know that I work with proprietary software, but that doesn't mean that I don't like and “play” with OpenSource. I would like to have more time to dedicate to it, but that is another matter.
Congratulations on your site and I hope to continue reading you.
From Chile, Manuel.
GIS Analyst