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Interesting opportunity in El Salvador

I saw it over there on the page profile of Gabriel Ortiz. It is an opportunity to do a 13-month consultancy at the CNR that seeks to integrate the municipalities through an integrated tool to the national Cadastre system. (The marked in gray are personal opinions)
Contract consulting services for the analysis, development and implementation of a Municipal Tax System, incorporating the use of the national cadastral cartography available to the country, through the CNR.
The consultancy will reach until the implementation of the tax system in 5 pilot municipalities resulting from the diagnosis and analysis of the work to be carried out by the consulting company, under the endorsement of the CNR. With the development of this system it is intended to create a standard model for municipal taxation, so that it can be replicated to the rest of the country's municipalities later.
Here what is required is a solution that practically integrates the main administrative and financial departments of the municipalities; at least treasury, tax control, accounting, budget and of course, cadastre. With the variant that in El Salvador no property tax is charged.
Specific objectives
The Project must meet the following objectives:
a) Define the bases for the standardization and regulations of cadastral maintenance in coordination with the CNR for municipal, legal, tax, urban purposes and all those uses that allow a physical, economic and social development of the territory.
It is to create the normative (and something else) to standardize the infrastructure of spatial data for the cadastral registry, registry of territorial ordering and general system of geographic information.
b) Establish procedures for exchanging cartographic and environmental information, land uses, properties with historical value, maritime land routes, natural resource areas, infrastructure networks, education, health, recreation equipment and all information that is useful for projects premises, considering as an alternative the modality of connectivity and communication via the Web, through the establishment of online services that guarantee efficient maintenance of tax and cadastral information.
Here practical solutions should be provided, preferably opensource alternatives (to be sustainable when implemented on a large scale) that adapt to OGC standards, so that there is both tabular and vector exchange via web services ... it should be gml.
Although it will also involve proposing reforms to the central publishing system, since GeoWeb Publisher supports wms, but not wfs, at least in the case of vector information.
c) Create a standard system for tax purposes and its implementation in pilot municipalities 5, using as input the national cadastre and complementary municipal information raised in the field.
... harmonization of plans for arbitration, tax procedures, codes, it is understood that adapted to local reality and respecting international regulations such as IAS in the case of Accounting ...
d) Formulate a training and advisory plan in the 5 pilot municipalities considering the technical - cadastral and administrative area for the proper use of information and implementation of the tax system.
It would be necessary to see if they will be intending to include the valuation of land, buildings and permanent crops to try again the issue of property tax that does not currently exist ... is usually one of the drivers of municipal interest in the modernization of the cadastre
The period of execution of the consultancy is 13 month
In the beginning, it is a relatively short time to design, develop and implement but the challenge is good
Top Experts
Project manager: This professional will be in charge of coordinating the entire Project from its initial phase to its completion, being responsible for the proper development of the Project.
- University degree related to public and / or tax administration
- Minimum overall experience of 10 years in projects of improvement of the public or tax administration
- Specific experience of at least 5 years in cadastre projects, and 3 years in coordination of multidisciplinary projects
Expert in the area of taxation and finance.
- University degree related to financial or tax subjects
- Minimum overall experience of 5 years in the tax and financial area.
- Specific experience of work in similar projects focused on the municipal sector, and in the direction of working groups
Expert in the area of development of computer systems
- University degree in computer science
- Minimum experience of 3 years in the development of information systems of transactional databases.
- Minimum experience of 3 years in the development of geographic information systems.
Expert in the cadastral area
- University degree related to the municipal administration
- Minimum general experience of 5 years in municipal strengthening, and in team management
- Specific experience in the area of cadastre, cartography, production of maps, administration and logistics for the collection of data focused on the municipal issue.
Interested parties can contact Gabriel, who is promoting it there in your site.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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Hello Roberto, this article was from some time ago. The project must already be advanced, but you can check it at the CNR.
Hello I am interested in this excellent project, I am from El Salvador and I have 6 years of working in the area of Cartography. and projects at ends. Anything I am available greetings.