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Facebook, another way to waste time?
- January, 2009
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Google earth / maps Internet and Blogs

For a long time I never managed to find the Facebook business, and until now I have serious doubts about what I understood correctly. This social network has managed to grow a lot, displacing Hi5! In the Spanish-speaking environment, although to be honest, the first days of using it he did not explain to me what to do with that wall in blue tones, for which Microsoft paid 246 million when acquiring a measly 1.6% of shares.
Perhaps one of the reasons why Facebook has a future is because instead of being a simple social network to view photos of friends, it is being used by companies to build their own networks; after being released the API for diverse languages. So the business is moving towards mass access, although interaction with most generation 2.0 toys is slow.
Finding related networks is as simple as typing Microstation, or AutoCAD in the search form and many communities will appear, including some official ones from the big software manufacturers. Although the template pages are still crude, little by little the collective contribution is emerging, which promotes the use, incentive for business to exist.
It is expected that over time it will manage to land on the idea that is already being talked about for days, oriented to online operating systems that concentrate most of the actions that we now do on the desktop, although that is far from that due to the dispersion that exists between the applications built and the vain uses that are still given to it. For now, knowing that many are putting the eyes On Facebook, those who have juggling skills with their API look for to impress us, in the intention of doing business with those who initially only went there to talk friends of the school.
So there is still no business for users, other than attracting customers. But surely there are minds smoking green for it.
Among the mashups developed for Facebook, the TripAdvisor travel map is an interesting application on the Google maps API that shows a map of destinations; You can put the places where you have been, where you plan to go and those that we recommend as favorites.
You can also customize it in different presentation faces, such as NASA version, old maps, technological, among others.
If you want to know where your friends have been and will be, just activate the application in your Facebook account.
In conclusion, Facebook is a diffuse idea, but with a lot of potential to steal us more time than the one that has consumed us Hi5 !, MySpace, Tuenti and 200 more.
If you think that Facebook is for younger people, then check your gray hair because I can guarantee you that this business model will become a new trend to which most of the functions that forums and blogs now fulfill will evolve. So you better go Uniting with time, Lest Twitter find us obsolete.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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