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GvSIG Program - Let's get into it then ...

Gvsig program I had been doing the disguise, but no way, it was already a group of non-smokers who want a gvSIG course so I have a week to learn how to use it and start the tutoring that will take me 2 weeks of my night schedule. Also with this post I start a new category in my side panel: gvSIG.

The gvSIG Program

They didn't really ask for that application, they asked for one that is free and easy to use ... many free, easy to use questionable! ... exciting without a doubt! I think I'll take the opportunity to compare it with Manifold and others.

If they had $ 250, I would recommend Manifold because I know what he does and what he doesn't do, but since they don't want to spend money, then it is better to go for a tool that has manuals ready and that is stable (although the learning curve will not come free ... or mine).

And for those who have no idea what GvSIG is, here's the basics:

  • The gvSIG program arises (as an offer to tender) at the end of 2003, was developed by IVER who won the game, but has the institutional umbrella of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Ministry of Infrastructures of Valencia and the University by Jaume I
  • The license is GNU GPL
  • gvSIG 100% on Java is developed (with the exception of some proprietary ECWy libraries MrSID), so it runs on both Windows, Linux and Mac.
  • The libraries in which it has been developed are standards like Geotools and Java Topology Suite known like JTS among others.
  • It is interesting that it apparently supports “internationalization”… it is supposed to natively adapt to the user's language… hmm?
  • Supports common files like shp, dxf, dwg, dgn, kml and even gml
  • Supports raster formats like MrSID, GeoTIFF, ECW and ENVI
  • Supports OGC standards including WMS, WFS, WCS and naming services
  • Promotes Five characteristics which were requirements at the time of bidding: Portable (Windows / Linux at that time), Modular, Open source, without licensing cost, Interoperable (at least with AutoCAD, Microstation and ArcView at that time), Subject to Standards.

If you want to extend, IMS services and other wonders can be integrated through extensions that include viewing and editing OpenStreetMap mapping, connecting to ESRI extensions such as ArcSDE and ArcIMS ... among others.

The most enriching of the GvsIG Program is the community that is behind its development, diffusion y documentation... something that guarantees a certain level of sustainability that not all open platforms have ... at least with so much emphasis on the Spanish language.

There I tell you how I'm doing.

Here you can Download gvSIG

Here you can download the GvSIG Tutorial

Here you can take a GvSIG course


  • Anonymous October, 2018 at

    malam admin terimakasi atas tutorial walk gan karena bisa menambakan wawasan atau ilmu pengtahuan gan.
    gan kita bisa roling atas bullets tentang pelajran ini gan tolong

    kunjungi website saya:

    dan website kampus saya:

  • g! August, 2012 at

    gvSIG only supports Microstation files (dgn) in V7 format
    The V8 format does not support them.

  • Fernando lazcano August, 2012 at

    Good day, I have a question to have Microstation files and be able to incorporate them to GVSIG and viseversa, there is a problem or not.

    Thank you .


  • g! July, 2008 at

    You're right, I hope I can have time to talk about the different extensions

  • Javier July, 2008 at

    Recently I started to investigate gvSIG after analyzing several free alternatives.
    I think that for the Spanish-speaking world is a good alternative, and obviously as it gets diffused and hours of development, it is going more and more.
    In your printscreen I do not see the sextant extension that is the most interesting for geoprocessing.

    Greetings to you

  • g! July, 2008 at

    epa! It is good that they are there ... sometimes it gives the impression of being tearing the clothes before anyone. hehe

    ... suggesting Manifold ... a love / hate relationship for the old known, although we'll see.

  • XuRxO July, 2008 at

    Hey, I'm glad you started with gvSIG, I'm sure your comments will be more than welcome by all the gvSIG people that we read to you (I would be very surprised if I was the only one).

    If you have any doubt do not hesitate to go through the list of users where the community of users will gladly help you.

    As for the choice, in front of Manifold… well, time will tell.


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