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Registry and Cadastre in the context of a National Transactional System

Every day countries focus on e-government trends, where processes are simplified in order to provide better service to citizens, as well as reducing margins for corruption or unnecessary bureaucracy.

We are aware that the legislation, institutions and processes regarding property in each country are different. However, the rules that serve as the basis for material law obey registry principles that seek the same purpose: to guarantee legal security.

The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) represents one of the most precious achievements in terms of regulations for the Land Administration; if we remember that when the Catastro 2014 model was proposed, it was just a poetic aspiration but it was very visionary. An impressive gain of the standard is the possibility of standardizing the semantics for the management of objects, such that the Property Registry System can be coupled with state-level initiatives that seek the consolidation of transactional environments focused on a territorial vision.

I know that it may seem like a legal aberration and even illusory, depending on the perspective of the institutions of each country. However, the focus of this article is the possibility that the Registry and Cadastre, outside of being an island, can (their data, not them), join the data infrastructure of the transactional process. 

It should be understood that although the spirit of this article is technological, LADM is so noble that it allows adapting to the legislation and institutionality of each country, without forgetting that reengineering is not superfluous.

The core of common data

Registry cadastral ladmThe graphic at the end of the article shows how the main components of the LADM can constitute a nucleus on which different processes interact, linking the elements of the Property Rights System, not only applicable to real estate, but also movable property. In the center are the main elements of the registry action:

  • The object of registration, which may well be a plot, a vehicle, a ship, with or without georeferencing to the cadastre, under personal folio technique or in real folio.
  • The interested parts; Natural persons, legal entities or non-formal groupings. All those involved in the chain of the transactional process.
  • Legal and administrative charges; Relations of law, restriction or responsibility that affect the use, domination or occupation of the goods.
  • The right between the object and the interested parties, registered or de facto. In the standard even the right is identified as one more legal lien.

Although they are not the only elements, they are the ones that concentrate the actions of the actors associated with the transaction: the bank, the notary, the surveyor, the mapping technician, who are just other stakeholders with different roles.

How to call them and how to model them? ISO: 19152

The possibility of process integration under a core platform

Registry cadastral ladmThe fact is that these same elements appear in the different processes of a country: They are the same people that the official Registry of Persons manages for electoral purposes, the same people that appear to be carrying out fiscal procedures, business operation permits, construction formalities, Of passports, etc.

Of course, it is not easy to establish public policies to standardize this. Just as an example, the prayer ties that oblige the registrar to use the name just as the notary created it. So even if the person base is María Albertina Pereira Gómez, and the notary named her María Albertina Pereira de Mendoza, they create another person, if the system does not have a procedure for consolidation or management of aliases.

These are the same goods that are taxed, those that contain the permits, those that acquire restrictions of use, etc.

So in a country that promotes a central transactional platform, the case of the Property Registry and the Cadastre are just one more user, within their roles of Registration and Legalization. Other institutions act in their roles such as Risk Management, Land Management, Planning, Collection, Socioeconomic Development, Infrastructures, etc.

Outside of being an island, the Land Registry becomes an important piece in the puzzle of transactional processes. It does not matter where the process begins, if with the notary, in the bank, in the municipality or in the entity responsible for issuing title, the Registry + Cadastre adds to the ideal scenario:

If an institution plans the construction of a bridge, the Registry provides the information regarding the public or private real estate where it will be located; This object at the design level receives an identifier in the Infrastructure System, using the information from the Cartographic Registry that contains the digital terrain model, geological characteristics and context of use. The same object is identified in the Public Investment System for the budgetary provision, and once built a buffer of 500 meters is registered that affects the immediate plots indicating regulations for the construction of entrances in private properties and also on the riverbed region. downstream with a ban on the issuance of permits for the extraction of aggregates. Finally, once the work is finished, it is delivered under concession to the municipality to undertake a periodic maintenance cycle.

But all data enters a System of Records that share common data. The Registry / Cadastre only exposed a location service, but in return received regulations that affect the neighboring properties.

Thus, each institution assumes its role in its specialty level, achieving both efficiency in service and promotion of development which is what ultimately counts for the general interest, if we take into account that the reduction of costs and transactional times is The only element that depends on the government in the different factors associated with development such as technology and other resources.

Registry cadastral ladm

Clarifying that this does not imply changing the roles, competencies and principles that the Property Registry pursues. Rather, it is to standardize it to a Unified System of Records, where Cadastre is one more record, which will be the spatial_unit linked to the Folio Real enrollment. How is a registry plus the land use regulations, how is a registry plus the vehicle registration, shipping, etc.

Service-based architectures

It is clear that reaching these levels requires a broad vision of the country, although it is no longer strange even in developing countries. Every day it is in charge of public institutions, more professionals with the potential to form multidisciplinary teams that view public administration with a lens analogous to the large companies from which they come. This is the case of the adaptation that models have had where a municipality is seen as a modular fabric where there is production, logistics, distribution, inventory, shipments, invoices and accounting; although the size and regulatory powers differ. That is why traditional systems for ERP-type municipalities have been so successful.

Registry cadastral ladmBut a system like the one we are talking about cannot assume that it will work with desktop developments and client-server schemes. Rather, this requires the application of multilayer architectures oriented to services, where the development of the presentation layers are separated from the business logic, and controlled by processing engines in languages ​​such as Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN 2.0) . In this way, simple processes such as the constitution of a mortgage, or complex processes such as the individualization of an urbanization, can be decomposed into task-oriented services, entities, utilities, such that it is not necessary to develop each service separately but rather orchestrate them into generic functionalities.

Service-based architectures facilitate the life and maintenance of large systems, while keeping users doing only what they are specialists in; No matter where they are, GIS technicians perform a topological operation that dismembers a property, inheriting rights to a Folio Real license plate that is not separated from its geometry. So incorporating schemes like Front-Back Office are not difficult scenarios, because the System is the least of it; what matters is only to couple the presentation window to a service where customer service is separated from the processing area.

Advantages of using LADM

The simplest, coming from a statement of 20 years ago:

Long live modeling!

That is why one of the urgent challenges for new surveyors and geomatics professionals is learning to understand models. A standard allows to standardize the semantics for such a specialized aspect, that you just have to tell the developer: apply ISO: 19152. I wish it were that simple, but it is much easier than waiting for others to come and say how the Property System should work, when our notaries and catastrers are the specialists.

For that of the pussy ...

Interesting challenge of the inspiration table to which I have returned and from which I share this excerpt for the sake of the democratization of knowledge that today is irreversible. Aware that the emotion caused by technology must be patient of the complexity of the institutional role, without which it will not be possible to bring it to reality.

At the end of the day, the article sounds science fiction -us-. But in the example of the country that I am talking about, the same was said 11 years ago when a new Property Law had to be drafted, with the creation of an institution that included within the same command line the Cadastre, the Registry and the institute National Geographic. Institutions with disparate purposes - yes - because they grew disparate; But you just have to go see the good practices of the neighbor and smoke a good cigar of inspiration to see where things are going. Especially since we do not know when we will have those five minutes of opportunity to act.

Institutional models evolve slowly, the pressure of technology can never keep up with that pace. Therefore, the standards make that point of balance. In 8 years, the technological lag is always right, although the institutional lag takes almost 30 years to be noticed.

1 comment

  • ELVISPZ August, 2015 at

    What an excellent article, already came looking for the gear of everything !!! Wow!

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