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... days I don't want to pass ...

A weekend, disconnected from the Farmville chickens, from the tasks that never end, from the garlands that must be hung on the wall ...

Although from the political crisis, we all want to finally pass the bad taste.

Of coup makers
Almost borrowed dog. It looks like one named Fido, who my brother gave away as a dog, for 8 years even though he was a bitch and he was 13.
Loaned dog
The other side of the world. Perhaps my last trip to this secluded place that I remember very well the roast meat and enviable climate. It's funny, the photo of the story "Only two years" is right in that same park.
Good times
Wow they liked the dog, pity that we have to return it tomorrow.

Of coup makersAt 17 months of the coup followed by a constitutional replacement, nothing is clear yet.

If there is one good thing we can gain from this is to make a significant injury in bipartisanship.

But after seeing the evolution of Farabundo Martí in the 70's, anything can happen ... it took them 10 years to unify as the resistance has done there, breaking the civil war took them a week. In the photo, the old man collects the garbage from the park, giving the impression of doing it secretly from the military seen in the background.

Of coup makers

This political crisis has a year of divisions, betrayals and the flight of people who are on that side for private interests. It also ensures that the context of the coup ceases to be an excuse to be in resistance and interests to reduce impunity, corruption and other (many) evils ...
Unlike revolutions that I have seen elsewhere, the Catholic Church maintains a contrary position and the magisterial guild is an elite with many interests to take care of.

It is also necessary to gain the trust of people who do not find graffiti on the walls and extreme postures without proposal.

For while ... the food of the day is if the Colonel Aureliano Returns home after the Neerlandia pact.

chicken soup
Chicken soup ... there will be time to geofume to the sublime. For now, I enjoy these creatures, lest they grow up and I don't realize it until Call me grandfather.

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