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Create a polygon in AutoCAD and send it to Google Earth
- March, 2008
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: AutoCAD-AutoDesk Geospatial - GIS Google earth / maps Land survey

In this post we will do the following processes: Create a new file, import points from a total station file in Excel, create the polygon, assign it georeference, send it to Google Earth and bring the image of Google Earth to AutoCAD
Previously we saw some of these procedures on foot, in this case we will see how to do them with AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 ... a clear example of how what has evolved at the time was Civil Sourvey (Softdesk / cogo) and AutoCAD Map; At this point the 2008 version of Civil 3D includes both, which allows to handle georeferences and a link with Google Earth.
To begin, a new file is created, using a metric units template.
1. Import points from Excel
This is the same as Softdesk did, with the advantage that the visualization capacity is simplified and improved. The file we have was raised with a total station, and from there we have exported it to comma separated text (csv) which is a format that Excel can open.
To bring the points is done "Points / import / import points” then we choose the format, in this case PNEZD (comma delimited), Which means that the points are in order: Point, Northing (Y coordinate), Easting (X coordinate), Elevation (Z coordinate) and Description.
Once entered, the points can be displayed in the left panel with its UTM coordinate.
2. Create the traverse
To create the polygon, we use the polyline (pline) command, and indicate that we want to draw it from the coordinates of the numbered points, for this we write in the command bar pn, Then enter.
Then the system asks us the range of points, and we write 1-108, that is from the first point to the 108 ... and ready, the traverse is drawn.
3. Create the parcel
So far we have no database, but a simple dwg.
To create the as plot we do “Parcels / create parcel from objects“. The panel that is displayed allows you to choose the table to which it will be associated, we will choose “property“, the centroid data will be stored in the layer “C-prop” and the boundary in “C-prop-line"
The panel also allows us to choose which text will be inserted into the plot, such as the associated centroid; we will choose the name of the plot, area and perimeter. Then we do "ok"
4. Assign projection
Now the coordinates we have need to be defined within a UTM zone (such as we did it With Manifold), which means to assign you system of projection and reference spheroid.
This is done with the right mouse button on drawing, then select “Edig drawing settings".
There we choose in the tab “Units and zone“, we choose metric units, and degrees as angular units (degrees). Then we assign the UTM zone, Civil 3D allows us to choose the country, in this case we assign “USA, Administration” because the plot is in Puerto Rico and then the Datum. In this case we assign WGS84, which would be NAD83 Puerto Rico.
5. Send it to Google Earth
To send it to Google Earth, we use the wizard that is activated in “file / publish to Google Earth".
In this panel you choose the description, coordinate system in case they have not been previously defined, name of the kmz file and once it is ready, the button “publish".
Once the kmz file has been created, it can be viewed in Google Earth with the “view"
6. Bring the Google Earth orthophoto to AutoCAD
We explained this In another post, but basically it is done by means of “file / import / import Google Earth image".
Do not do with AutoCAD and Excel what AutoCAD Civil 3D does ... Of course, for that you have to Pay what it's worth, Although there are things that makes it more practical PlexEarth And always on AutoCAD
Vía: AUGI, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, you can see a video of this process if you register.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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How can I paste a plan in dwg in a file to kmz
martin velazque ... just check your menu bar there you have the option in output or output ... in civil2012
This is very interesting my person has been working for more than ten years in this area I would like to learn more
To do that, you occupy the Plex.Earth program, with which you can download the mesh of Google Earth elevation points, and make contour lines.
please I need to know how to obtain Google Earth contours and if you can export to autocad or civil 3d, how and how to check my coordinates obtained from field with the image described in Google earth thanks my email is Thank you, I'm from Peru a hug
hello this is very good but please tell me what I did in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2112 since in the last step of file / publish does not give me the option in Google Earth, I will thank you, thank you and greetings from mexico.
I find it interesting, your contribution. I am a rookie in civil autocad, I would like to know how to see in 3d topographical terrain
Thank you This is my Web, thank you, I hope that the visit of some of you, I also have a small company of my father that we provide services of Geomatica, GPS, and all related to the Professional, we provide services in all Latin America, Thank you. And remember k it will be a pleasure to attend your queries and my little web, I am promoting it, you can visit it and write your questions thanks .. Hevert Cahuin H.
Hi, my name is Hevert, I was born in Peru, but I work in Rep. Dom. I'm a calculator, Cadista, finally I work a bit on Geomatics and among other related things and I can tell you there are many ways to pass polygons of normal and civil Autocad, taking into account this georeferenced image, you can get a list of points and type them in the map power, you can also do it in the Map Source, and export it to Google Earth, and also to export it from Google Earth, Save the image in format JPG and you import it in the Autocad, since it is clear that you have to have the Google Earth scale legend and adjust to that scale in Autocad, it is simple, if you want any questions or you can write me on my Web page I am still designing it and My e-mail, You can consult online. Thank you and it will be my pleasure to help you
Alejandro, are you working with AutoCAD map or Civil 3D?
This can not be done only with the normal AutoCAD
It is interesting this tutorial, I would like you to guide me how to convert the UTM points to geographic coordinates, when I import the polygon to Google it goes to another site and not in the corresponding place.
Please I need it urgently. In any case can send me to my email the steps to follow.
Thanks in advance
The truth is that I do not understand this very well, my teacher wants to give us geometric figures but with a number of sides and an angle, and I don't understand him, if you can help me ………… ..
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I am a Topographer in Bolivia, I found it interesting to learn the steps of creating a polygon in AutoCAD and taking it to Google Earth, I would like to ask you a favor to send me the following post with the subject "Bringing the orthophoto from Google Earth to AutoCAD"