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  • hi Cesar
    I understand your situation, when the topography is very uneven, this situation happens so uncomfortable, you say it is a rectangle and you put a CORS in each vertex, you would have to analyze some other characteristics of the terrain in order to give an opinion, but I will give you my point to see if it helps at all, a single CORS at the highest point and at a midpoint could have been sufficient, since 20 km is a short distance for a GNSS team, and add the repeaters strategically at the highest places trying to cover areas where there is no coverage. To take advantage of what you already have, it would be good to know if you happen to have mobile Internet in some areas, maybe you can implement a NTRIP + RADIO combination. Anything I leave my mail,

  • a forum query
    I have an approximate area of ​​30000 hectares forming a rectangle of 20000 m and 15000 m per side, in the vertices I have ERP NET R9 Trimble (ERP, Permanent Tracking Station) and in the middle 1 ERP, the interior topography of the rectangle is rugged (enough hills), this condition causes the GPS signal to be lost for work in RTK with rover R10 trimble, it has been thought to place radio repeaters of GPS signal. the query is what is the best connection to be able to do surveys in RTK, connection of radios in series or in parallel.

  • Hello! I have tried to place a georeferenced background image in the Topcon GR5 GPS collector and I can not visualize it. What should I do?

  • Hello everyone, I have a gps ashtech 120 I was stuck with the spectra screen at the beginning there is some way to reset it or fix it


  • Hi Guys, I need to know how I can do or some solution to this little big problem.
    I have a GPSMAP 62 SC. I did a survey with points and pictures of some bridges and railways and now I can not download the photos or anything, how can I do or what program to use for this, the photos have coordinates do not come out either, so I can take it to google eart if it is can I hope you help me thank you very much.

  • On the law of someone who states that the .sp3 files (precise esfemeris) can be transferred to Rinex through the BERNESE software. THE QUESTION IS IT POSSIBLE? And if possible from where I download the software. I entered asu page this is the link: However I have not found the installer. Someone could help me to clarify if this is possible or not. - FROM ANTE HAND THANK YOU TO ALL.

  • I could send a catalago.

  • Hi Diego, I do not know EPOCH enough to give you some advice.

    Fausto, check the date of your computer and your computer. I should not give you any trouble. What version of software are you using?

  • Fausto Chicas

    I need to know what is going on with the MSTAR software of potsproceso of Magellan Promark X that to date was not able to make it work it gives me error in the dates of the almanac who uses this software at the moment so that it could explain to me what is happening I need help.

  • Diego Rivera

    I would like to have an opinion on the GPS L1 EPOCH 10 for topographic surveys of good precision and its comparison with the Mobile Mapper 10. Thank you

  • They are very good teams, with the disadvantage that you do not always find support for when you suffer damage. It depends on the city where you live, but in general in Latin America have a lower position with respect to Sokkia, Leica and Topcon

  • Hello dear, I am from Argentina and I wanted to know what opinion the stonex and south brands deserve for total stations. Here they are not well known, so I would like to know, if they have tried them, what results it gave them… it is interesting to have the opinion of someone who already has experience working with these brands.
    From already thank you very much.

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