Among the best capabilities that I have seen Manifold GIS is the functionality of connecting to data, both Google Earth, Virtual Earth, Yahoo maps and also to WMS services under the OGC standards.
Let's see how.
In this case, I want to connect an area of Calle Valdemaría, as shown in the screenshot captured in Google Earth.
1. Create the approach.
For this, it is best to create A grid Of that area, so that in Manifold it is done:
-“File / create / drawing”
- -“Assign projection
- -“view / graticle” and I choose a range that covers this area and press the “create” button
- -I now select the layer and zoom in on the area.
2. Connect to virtual balloons
-For this you just have to do “file / link / image” and select “manifold image servers”…in another post we explain how to load these plugins.
-When selecting the service type, the region refresh icon is selected to recognize the coverage of the mesh we have created
-Once the layer is loaded, we assign projection.
3. Upload them on a map
-For this, a new layout is created with “file / create / map” and we indicate the layers we want to see, or we drag and drop them to an existing map.
4. To connect to OGC services
-In this case, I am going to use the services of CARTOCIUDAD, this is always done with “file / link / image” and I select the OGC IMS data option, placing the address “ /CARTOCITY”. In the panel I can choose the layers that this service has, I can even load each layer as a separate image.
5. The results.
It's a shame that I have to have so many images in the post, but to show the results achieved in these 7.45 minutes of operation with Manifold, here goes to get stuck:
With the Google Maps layer images
With the Virtual Earth layer images
With the Yahoo maps layer
With the layer of Virtual Earth streets
With the layer of CARTOCIUDAD
Definitely, if Manifold continues this way, many will end up investing $ 245 costing... although in my opinion the geofumados that must be behind Manifold should look for more aggressive marketing strategies if they do not want to continue between the very geek and those who count their benefits for free.
epa, every day you learn something ... thanks for the info, I'm going to try
Yes, Manifold is very powerful when it comes to taking advantage of these external services. But I wanted to add - in case there is any reader who is unaware of Google Earth's ability to use these WMS services for free - that you can very easily from GE:
1- Locate the area of your interest in the 3D viewer.
2- Press the button to add an overlay image (or Add> Image Overlay)
3- In that window, look in the "Update" tab for the "WMS Parameters" button and press it
4- In the new window that will open, press the “Add” button and paste the URL of the service you want to use.
5- Wait a few seconds and you will be able to choose which layers to view from the list on the left (you have to move them to the column on the right and “Accept”)
6- Adjust the parameter "Update based on view" as appropriate (it is not necessary to update if it is static data)
7- Again “Accept” and you will be able to see the new data layer chosen in Google Earth.
If they do not use a particular WMS service, they will see that Google Earth has several of them available in the list. Some sometimes do not work, but it is well worth investigating them all.
A greeting!