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Communicate / Participate: Services for municipalities

Recently (within the past year) Tuent announced the new service, Comunic @, which joined Particip @ seem to be the best in territorial management services that can be used by municipalities to improve transparency and citizen participation.


participates@ This is a service aimed at citizens, who through a platform can report to the municipality suggestions, demands, proposals or other actions based on their right to participate. These are some examples of exercises that we would all be willing to take advantage of:

  • A layer where an inventory of potholes in the road can be made. That here those that are light could be painted in a different color, the sewers without covers and in a red those that are fatal to break the chrism of a vehicle. It would be interesting, because in these days that mayors spend advertising showing their work in repairing streets, the population could report the lunar scenarios where they can take their cameramen.
  • A layer where neighbors break the rules.  Oh! this would be marvelous, for example if you could place a lobulito in the houses where parties are held outside the hour tolerated by the legislation of coexistence, constructions apparently violating the norms of urbanization or neighbors who are taking possession of the green areas.

A boss I had a few years ago used to say: "There is nothing better than telling your neighbor your ribs"

But also in addition to the noise shown by the incident maps, it can be very useful to integrate proposals to improve the quality of life of citizens. As an example, the structuring of participatory budgeting.

  • In this way, instead of going to make focus groups (which become political) to identify projects, it is feasible to define some categories, prioritization criteria and that citizens propose online.
  • Subsequently, a flow is given continuity as shown in the graph: It is refined, classified, feasibility is sought, it is incorporated into the budget and subsequently it is followed up.

you participate

To the municipal officials allows them to know those issues that really concern the citizen and offers them an integrated environment for the management of all communications and citizen concerns.

In many municipal laws the participatory budget is regulated and empowered; in some countries it is even mandatory. What better than to be able to view and manage it in a web platform integrated to Google Maps made for this purpose.

Particip @ includes some functionalities so that the municipality does not have to invest time or resources in developing. Among them you can:

  • Manage access roles. Citizens, water boards, management boards, etc. can register.
  • Proposals can be generated by citizens.
  • You can view the proposals according to the status of progress.
  • They can be classified and assessed by theme or priority.
  • The system can also send alarms by mail or sms when the proposals change state or are delayed according to their programming.

demo_malaga Definitely Particip @ is the best initiatives I have seen for municipal use. Besides, there is Comunic @, which is equivalent to a complementary tool with which the municipality can report what it is doing.

Ideal to comply with the legislation of transparency and communication to the citizen.

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