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Changing projection of a map
- February, 2008
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Maps Microstation-Bentley

Before we saw how to do it With AutoCADMap 3DWhat if we do it using Microstation Goegraphics. Be careful, this cannot be done with normal AutoCAD, nor with only Microstation.
This application is activated using tools / coordinate system / coordinate system. This panel appears, the tools it has are for georeferenced operations; We will use the first three that are to assign and modify the projection of a map. The fourth is to create the quadrant grids and the last is to recast on the fly.
1. Assign the projection.
In my case, I want to assign you projection UTM, with datum WGS84 (NAD83), zone 16 North. To display the panel, click on the first icon until this panel appears, which we can drag to the side bars:
We use the first button (edit) to assign projection to it, then we choose Standard Projection, Universal Traverse Mercator, with Datum WGS84 and units in meters. On the right the zone is chosen, which in this case is 16 in the northern hemisphere, for the changes to be applied the third button (save master) is selected.
2. Choose reference projection
To do this use the second icon, pressing the mouse until this panel is activated:
In this case, I want to transform my map to geographic coordinates, so I select the seventh button, then pressing the second button (reference edit) to configure it, choosing standard / geographic projection (latitude / longitude), using the same wgs84 datum and units up to degrees. Then the fourth button, (Reference save) is applied.
3. Make the conversion
This is done with the tools of the third button of the initial panel.
- In case we want to transform the whole file, we choose the first option (transform all)
- In case of wanting to do it only with a fence, it must be active and the second option (fence transform)
- If you want to transform only some objects, select the third element transform,
- The following is to transform files into ASCII format
- And the last one is to transform multiple files (batch).
Once the option is selected click on the screen.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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