AutoCAD Map 3D supports Linux
Although AutoDesk abandoned its compatibility with Linux a few years ago, in recent years it has made efforts to return, so it recently announced its compatibility in this release.
The new Application Virtualization System Citrix XenApp easily allows AutoCAD Map 3D software clients to create, deploy and manage the Geospatial software solution in a Citrix Environment.
Autodesk and Citrix Systems, Inc. have partnered with the goal of providing customers with more efficiency and flexibility in the use of Autodesk geospatial applications. Distributing AutoCAD® Map 3D using Citrix XenApp ™ enables customers to increase application performance and reduce implementation costs significantly.
On a Linux platform, the Citrix Ready solution manages to identify products that are compatible with the Citrix application, thus simplifying the software selection process for Citrix users and allowing them to access AutoCAD Map 3D. AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 data users can now reside on Citrix servers, gain increased security, lower hardware costs and increase return on investment of up to 30 percent.
The processing and administration of applications in the data center are now centralized through the Critrix application, which reduces IT management costs, increases data security and improves regulatory compliance. In addition, Citrix XenApp distributes even the most powerful Windows® applications on any type of operating device or platform without sacrificing performance or functionality.
Designers, engineers and managers working in telecommunications, natural resources, public administrations and energy sectors depend on AutoCAD Map 3D to integrate the data of computer-aided design systems (CAD) and geographic information systems (GIS) during the design and maintenance of the project. Organizations often install the software locally on laptops and high-power workstations so that branch users can use it. However, this traditional decentralized approach can slow WAN networks during connections to secondary resources (back-end), create security problems and significantly overload IT staff, who may have to travel to remote offices to support them.
Optimized application distribution extends the value of AutoCAD Map 3D Citrix XenApp, helping customers maximize their investment in AutoCAD Map 3D software in several ways such as improving their performance in WAN, offering more robust application protection or greater security of data and intellectual property, as well as the possibility of unifying servers and administration.
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