Internet and Blogs

Problems with publishing Live Writer with WordPress

Recently, Live Writer started causing problems in at least two cases:

1. When a new article is created, uploading it sends an error message even though the article is uploaded. Then, when trying again, create a new article such that at the moment of noticing the case, there are already several articles published with the same name and below it appears to be uploading nothing.

2. If an article that has already been published is opened, updating it sends the error message even though the update is successful.

The whole problem is in updating a file line Class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php which does not send a reply message. The same happens when doing it from any remote platform via the metaWeblog method as in the case of Blogsy From the iPad / iPhone.

The message looks like this:

The response to the metaWeblog.editPost method received from the blog server was invalid: Invalid response document returned from XmlRpc server.


Live writter problem

Well, the output is this: You have to enter via cPanel or the hosting service to the file /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php And there look in line 3948 the code:


If (is_array ($ attachments)) {

Foreach ($ attachments as $ file) {

if (strpos ($ post_content, $ file-> guid)! == false)

$ wpdb-> update ($ wpdb-> posts, array ('post_parent' => $ post_ID), array ('ID' => $ file-> ID));

You have to change it to:

If (is_array ($ attachments)) {

Foreach ($ attachments as $ file) {

if ($ file-> guid &&! ($ file-> guid == NULL))

if (strpos ($ post_content, $ file-> guid)! == false)

$ wpdb-> update ($ wpdb-> posts, array ('post_parent' => $ post_ID), array ('ID' => $ file-> ID));

Live writter problem

If they are fixed, what we have done is to add the line marked in red.

With this the problem should be solved. With the care that when updating WordPress you have to do it again while they do not solve it permanently.

Golgi Alvarez

Writer, researcher, specialist in Land Management Models. He has participated in the conceptualization and implementation of models such as: National Property Administration System SINAP in Honduras, Management Model of Joint Municipalities in Honduras, Integrated Cadastre-Registry Management Model in Nicaragua, Territory Administration System SAT in Colombia . Editor of the Geofumadas knowledge blog since 2007 and creator of the AulaGEO Academy that includes more than 100 courses on GIS - CAD - BIM - Digital Twins topics.

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